
quinta-feira, 18 de agosto de 2022

Question 1 - Knowing Network Science

  In respect to Network Science, given the following statements:

  1. The two essential components of networks are Nodes and Links.
  2. What differentiates Network Science from Graph Theory is its focus on the data.
  3. Data availability and Universality were the forces that helped the emergence of Science Networks.

  Which item is correct?

  1. I and II are true.
  2. I and III are true.
  3. II and III are true.
  4. I, II, and III are true.
  5. None of the above.

  Original idea by: Pedro Henrique Di Francia Rosso

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Question 12 - Dendrogram

Applying a divisive algorithm on the network below, we obtain the following dendrogram: Network  Dendrogram Looking at the dendrogram, we...