
quinta-feira, 10 de novembro de 2022

Question 11 - The failure!

You have a network of connected hardware components, where each edge means a route of communication between two hardware components (nodes). The network was constructed to represent the graph below:

The datasheet of the hardware components says that once configured for a given number of communication routes, if more than 40% of these communications become broken, the component will likely fail to maintain the other routes. 

Knowing that you have two new spare hardware components (that will not fail for a long time) and, that soon in the future, you expect a failure in any of the hardware components, which components would you exchange for a spare component to mitigate the impact of a failure? 

  1. 3 and 11
  2. 4 and 3
  3. 11 and 4
  4. 4 and 9
  5. None of the above.

  Original idea by: Pedro Henrique Di Francia Rosso

2 comentários:

  1. Hard question. Don't kow how to solve it.

    1. Basically you have to calculate the impact of the failure of each node and see how many nodes will fail because of the failure. The global coefficient is 0.4 (components can't handle more than 40%). Once you calculated each one, take the two that would cause more impact, that would be the anwser


Question 12 - Dendrogram

Applying a divisive algorithm on the network below, we obtain the following dendrogram: Network  Dendrogram Looking at the dendrogram, we...